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700 people visit Days of Russia’s Spiritual Culture in Ethiopia

NAIROBI, September 30. /TASS/. The Days of Russia’s Spiritual Culture in Ethiopia are over, having been visited by about 700 people in five days, the Russian Center for Science and Culture in Addis Ababa, which became the main venue for the event held on September 25-29, told TASS.
According to the agency source, 250 people attended the opening of the Days of Russian Spiritual Culture held at the Theological University. They came to listen to the performance of the combined choir of the Moscow Theological Academy and the Trinity Lavra.
According to Russian Ambassador to Ethiopia Evgeny Terekhin, the Days of Russian Spiritual Culture are becoming a tradition, now being held for the second year. “I hope we will not stop here and will be able to expand and strengthen this tradition, extending it beyond performances in Addis Ababa to other regions of the country, where Russia is also loved and known,” he said at the opening ceremony.
The Days of Russian Culture in Ethiopia were attended by representatives of the Ethiopian Ministry of Culture and Sport, the African Union, and embassies from several African countries, as well as Iran, Cuba, Kazakhstan, and Armenia’s Ambassador to Ethiopia, Sahak Sargsyan. According to Moses Lemi, head of the Ethiopian Ministry of Culture and Sports, the Days of Spiritual Culture provided his compatriots an opportunity to learn more about the lifestyle of Russian society.
